Ceres Soft Fiber Ceiling

Ceres Fiber Glass ceiling solution for high acoustic spaces with fiberglass as core material. The ideal product for modern office environment, its excellent sound absorption properties (high NRC of 0.9 up to 1.0) helps in creating noise free office spaces. This improves comfort and increases productivity by reducing ambient noise.

The face scrim made of fabric glass with bright white paint. All tile edges are painted to avoid dispersion of fibers, thus ensuring longer life.


Sound Absorption - NRC of 0.90 -1.05

Sizes: 600 x 600, 600 X1200 mm

Edge Detail - Concealed

Micro look

Colors Available

Humidity Resistance 95% RH

Material Fire Performance Class A/F Class B (As per G89624-1997 Standard)

Light reflection >80%


Customer Benefit

Noise free office spaces Excellent sound clarity in Theatres and Auditoriums

Superior aesthetics Wide choice

Seamless finish

Superior aesthetics

White & Black

No Sag

Ire resistant

Energy Savings.

Coloured Profile

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